Tables and Topics


General Assembly (GA)

President: Servio Reyes

·         Chair: Mayte Fernanda Gómez García
·         Moderator: Iván Alejandro Chávez Castrejón
·         Conference Officer: Fernando Magaña

a.       Right of freedom of expression, violence and censorship of de media.
b.       Privatization of the internet, referring to copyrights.

Security Council (SC)

President: Manuel Rubio

·         Chair: Edna Iliana Tovar Velázquez
·         Moderator: Clarisa Jiménez Barrón
·         Conference Officer: Sofía SARAH Campos Félix Díaz

a.       Situation in Libya, referring to post-Gaddafi chaos.
b.      Terrorism in the horn of Africa.

United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (UNCCPCJ)

President: Renata Fernández

·         Chair: Pamela Fernanda Araico Cuellar
·         Moderator: Javier Alejandro Jiménez Márquez
·         Conference Officer: Tamara Vargas

a.       International cooperation in the analysis and report of criminal data.
b.      Trafficking of weapons in America.

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

President:  Andrés Martínez

·         Chair: Karla Sofía de la Brena Coronel
·         Moderator: Jimena Ordaz
·         Conference Officer: Sabina Zaldivar Milán

a.       Trafficking, prostitution and pornography of children.
 b.     Homosexual, bisexual and transgender rights.

World Health Organization (WHO)

President: Victoria Flores García

·         Chair: Tae Hee Lim Seo
·         Moderator: María Fernanda Núñez Esquivel
·         Conference Officer: Sarahí Sanchez

a     AIDS in Africa and administration of medicine.
b.      AIDS caused by drug abuse.

Commission on Narcotic Drugs: 

President: Angélica Arratia

·         Chair: Diana González Martínez
·         Moderator: Ramón Cruz Camarillo Rojas
·         Conference Officer: Aguilar Ramírez Gabriela Nohemí


a.       Measures to counter drug cartels around the world
b.      Preventive actions against drug consume.

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

President: María Elena García Hernández

·         Chair: Alan Emmanuel Mejía Flores
·         Moderator: Ariadna Michelle Aguilar Santos
·         Conference Officer: Andrea Monserrat Ulloa Arévalo

a.       How to eradicate the slavery of children in Middle East and Africa.
b.      Education for children under 15 in developing countries.

Counter Terrorism (CT)

President: Luigi Toledano

·         Chair: José Alejandro García Hernández
·         Moderator: Mauricio Francisco Vega Osnaya
·         Conference Officer: José Javier Barreiro Álvarez


a.   The possibility of Mexican drugs cartel helping terrorism oversea.
b.   Drug dealing in Mexico as a risk for international security.

European Union (EU)

President: David Madrigal

·         Chair: Frida Casas
·         Moderator: Hans Gundermann López
·         Conference Officer: Alejandra Mardegain

a.   Economical crisis in the European Union
b.   Food crisis all over Europe as well as lack of food for future generation

United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)

President: Rosenda Zagal

·         Chair: Karen Armas Reséndiz
·         Moderator: Giomar Farid
·         Conference Officer: Jimena Prado Ramírez


         a. Global warming and health.
b. Disappearance of certain species and its effects on the food chain.



Here's the list of assembled tables we have. Note: We have 1 spot open for Conference Officer, 3 spots open for Chair, and the spot for Moderator is still open. We will later let you know when will the meetings be. Also, once you have an assigned committe please check who is your president. Thank you and congratulations, once again, to all of you! 

General Asembly: Iván Chávez as Moderator, Diana Gonzáles as Chair. (Spot open for Conference Officer)
Security Council: Ariadna Aguilar as Moderator, Tae Hee Lim Seo as Chair and Tamara Vargas as Conference Officer.
UNCCPCJ: Clarisa Jiménez as Moderator, Edna Tovar as Chair and Zabina as Conference Officer. 
European Union: Hans Gundermann as Moderator, Pamela Araico as Chair and Sarah Sánchez as Conference Officer.
Counter Terrorism: MaFer Nuñez as Moderator, Karla de la Brena as Chair and Alejandra Mardegain as Conference Officer.
Human Rights: Mauricio Vega as Moderator, José Javier López Barreiro as Conference Officer and Karen Armas as Chair.
Comission on Narcotic Drugs: Ramón Cruz as Moderator, Saul Onofre as Conference Officer (Spot open for Chair)
WHO: Ricardo Ordaz as Moderator. (Spot open for Chair and Conference Officer) 
UNCF: Luis Fernando Magaña as Conference Officer.(Spots open for Chair and Moderator). 
*These groups are NOT final.


Here´s the list of the people who were chosen to moderate this year's PazMun and their respective committees.
Congratulations to all of you!

  • Iván Chávez. General Assembly.
  • Ariadna Aguilar. Security Council.
  • Clarisa Jiménez. United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
  •  Hans Gundermann. European Union.
  •  Maria Fernanda Nuñez. Counter-Terrorism Committee.
  • Mauricio Vega. Human Rights.
  • Ramón Cruz. Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
  • Ricardo Ordaz. World Health Organization
  • SPOT OPEN. United Nations Children's Fund.