List of Committees

General Assembly:
President: Servio Tulio Reyes
  • a. Right of freedom of expression, violence and censorship of de media.
  • b. Privatization of the internet, referring to copyrights.
Security Council:
President: Manuel Rubio/ David Madrigal
  • a. Situation in Libya, referring to post-Gaddafi chaos.
  • b. Terrorism in the horn of Africa.

United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (UNCCPCJ):
President: Renata Fernández
  • a. International cooperation in the analysis and report of criminal data.
  • b. Trafficking of weapons in America.

European Union:
President: David Madrigal
  • a. Economical crisis in the European Union
  • b. Food crisis all over Europe as well as lack of food for future generation

Counter-Terrorism Committee:
President: Luigi Toledano
  • a. The possibility of Mexican drugs cartel helping terrorism overseas (May change)
  • b. Drug dealing in Mexico as a risk for international security (May change)

Human Rights Committee:
President: Andrés Martínez
  • a. Trafficking, prostitution and pornography of children.
  • b. Homosexual, bisexual and transgender rights.

Commission on Narcotic Drugs:
President: Angélica Arratia
  • a. Measures to counter drug cartels around the world
  • b. Preventive actions against drug consume.

World Health Organization:
President: Vicky Flores
  • a AIDS in Africa and administration of medicine.
  • b. AIDS caused by drug abuse. (May change)
United Nations Children's Fund:
President: Maria Elena García
  • a. How to eradicate the slavery of children in Middle East and Africa.
  • b. Sexual violence against children
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP):
President: Rosenda Zagal
  • a. Global warming and health.
  • b. Dissapearence of certain species and its effects on the food chain.

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