Tables' Convocation

PAZ MUN   2 0 1 2
Tables Convocation
On the present document you will find the requirements you ought to fulfill to apply for any Table’s position for this PAZMUN 2012.

·         English Average              8
·         General Average            8.5
·         Conduct                         9
·         All regular subjects passed during November’s evaluation and committed to pass from now on.
·         Positive Attitude
·         Responsible, committed, effective teamwork skills, creative and inquirer.

The next instructions are for you to write a compilation of Essays based on the following subjects.  (The compilation of essays must include a cover page with the students’ details as the UNO flag when delivered)

Ø  United Nations Organization (3 paragraph Essay)
1st  Talk about the UNO, objectively.
2nd  Talk about the UNO Models and their used at schools. What are they for?
3rd  In what way will you help to improve the model here at your school.
Ø  Choose a Committee proposed by one of the General Secretariat contenders. (3 paragraph Essay)
1st Explain what is the committee about and the main objectives.
2ndWhy shall we choose this committee to be part of our model.
3rd If your delegates in the committees are not showing any interest in the debate’s topics, what would you suggest the tables should do?
Ø  Why would you think you are the best option for the position? (5 Paragraph Essay)
1stSpecify for what position are you applying and specify what are you supposed to do, and the qualities a person shall have, to perform this role in the best way.
2nd Talking about yourselves, explain your skills according to the position.
3rd Talk about the possible problems and solutions you could face during the debate.
4th Explain what do you have to prepare with your table’s mates in order for you to be ready for the debate.  
5th What do you want to learn from this experience and what would you like others to learn too.
Date to deliver:                                                                      December 15th.
Send it to:
English coordination:
General Secretary:
Under Secretary: 
Reminder: You must send it to at least two emails, and one of them has to be Miss Vicky's, you can choose whichever you want besides Miss Vicky's email. 
PLEASE, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST. The paragraphs are not that long. 3-5 lines each.

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