Cover Page


Official name: Netherlands

Population: 2012 estimate: 16,847,007
Type of government: constitutional monarchy, Unitary parliamentary representative democracy

Official language: Dutch

·  30% nominally roman Catholics
·  15% Dutch reformed
·  7% Calvinist reformist
·  8% non Christian (muslim,hindu, etc.)
·  40% atheist or agnostic

·  Monarch: Beatrix der Nederlander
·  Prime minister: Mark Rutte
·  Deputy Prime minister: Maxime Verhagen

Main exports: machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, fuels, food stuffs and clothing

Main imports:  French cut plants, flowers and bulbs, quarter of all the world tomatoes, one –thirds of the worlds exports of peppers and cucumbers
Literacy rate:

IGP: 2011 estimate, Total: $694.574 billions

Member of UN since: 10-12-1945

COMMITEE: United Nation Security Council
President: Manuel Alejandro Rubio
Delegate: Guiomar Farid Torres 
(School) English Group: 1st C
(Responsible) English Teacher: Oscar Ruiz

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