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(The Next Position Paper is just the Eg. for you to do yours, the topic is none of the topics for this model on Security Council)

Date to deliver: April 25th, 2012. 
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COMMITEE: United Nation Security Council
TOPIC B: Measures to combat terrorism

Delegate: Sebastián de Jesús Salim Rivera

                1)    United Nations Security Council

The main responsibility of the Security Council is to maintain the international peace and security.  It is the only organism that has the capacity to function continuously and a representative of each of its members must be present at all times.  On the 31st of January 1992 was its first meeting.

When a threat to peace is brought before the SC, the Council’s first action is usually to recommend to the parties to try to reach agreement by peaceful means. Sometimes it mediates asking the General Assembly to send members to investigate deeply.

When a dispute was leaded into fighting, the Council’s first concern is to bring it to an end as soon as possible. It sends UNITED NATIONS peace-keeping forces to help to reduce tensions, keeping opposing forces apart trying to create peaceful agreements on the floor. If a violation or negative answer follows, the council decides on enforcement measures, economic sanctions such as trade embargoes or collective military action.

                 2)    Background

The terrorism is the use of systematic violence by fear or terror to cause a criminal action, in the most part of terrorist attacks the main objective is to cause damage and intimidate victims, the cause of the attacks can be political, religious or ideological disagree with the citizens or governments, in most part of them are responsibility of the criminal organizations of a country. Last 15 years the world has seen many terrorist attacks, such as: 11 September 2001(twin towers), 4 March 2009 (Iraq) 300 innocent deaths.

Nowadays most part of countries has serious problems with crime organizations, nowadays terrorism has become a life style that is consider normal for many people. In it are many styles such as: political, quasi-terrorism or civil terrorism, finally all this types cause the same. Countries are taking actions to combat and prevent terrorism like: USA, Spain, México, Brazil, UK and China just to mention a few.

Countries are making their best to combat the crime organizations trough military forces, and the decisions that countries found to combat terrorism is the violence such as happen whit Iraq that is living a civil war. Other countries that don’t have the enough military power to combat them are only staying quiet while the terrorists act.  

                 3)    Spain´s policy and involvement

 In Spain there are serious troubles with terrorism caused by criminal organizations, but with any doubt ETA is the main causative of actual criminal problems. ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) is a criminal organization considered one of the most dangerous of the globe, founded in 1958 they were looking for the change of regimen in France they had the help of the most part of France and Spain population until they became a terrorism organization. The worst terrorist attack in Spain was on March 11, 2004 ETA attacked 4 trains of the public transportation, leaving only pain and tears on the faces, the results were catastrophic 190 deaths and 1700 injured.

After this Spain realized the true situation that the country is crossing, besides ETA Spain has the presence of local criminal organizations that also impacts the population with attacks, kidnappings and terrorism acts. An example is the kidnapping of a child of 22 months that appeared death in a river after the price of rescue was paid. It is important to refer that Spain has an important participation on the Global congress of security; here Spain was discussing an agreement that provides economical resources to countries that are encouraging criminal organizations, this was a very good idea of the president Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. 

To conclude it is important to say that nowadays, criminal actions by ETA are finished and security has been improved approximately a 4.80% because of the constant government attacks against criminals.

                 4)    Negative consequences of the past solutions

Both ecological and financial risks incorporate several of the characteristics we have enumerated that make risks politically explosive. They go beyond rational calculation into the realm of unpredictable turbulence. Moreover, they embody the struggle over the distribution of ‘goods’ and ‘bads’, of positive and negative consequences of risky decisions. But above all, what they have in common is that their effects are deterritorialized. That is what makes them global risks.

Financial risks are more immediately apparent than ecological risks. A consciousness leap is not required to recognize them. By the same token, they are more individualized than ecological risks.

A further distinction can be made, however, between ecological and financial threats on the one hand, and the threat of global terrorist networks on the other. Ecological and financial conflicts fit the model of modernity’s self-endangerment.

                  5)    Proposals

Spain’s delegation is willing to give more power of combat to the police and army forces, but not only will be focusing on the government’s violence but also my delegation is going to create an intelligence centre that will watch and spy all the criminal organizations in Spain.

Also my government is offering a plan as a new strategy to combat criminal structures focusing on economical attacks. As well Spain will focus on the future generations by improving the actual plan and programs for studying.

Therefore fomenting the values on families and creating conscious about the actual world’s situations. For this Spain hopes that we can create healthy ideas on students to avoid the criminal future actions.

Bibliography: (Only one Wikipedia allowed.... minimum 5 sources per position paper).

No author, (nd) UN SECURITY COUNCIL, Viewed March 4, 2012. Consult URL:

Beck U. , 2002, Theory, Culture & Society, viewed March 4, 2012. Consult URL:

Wikipedia, (nd), Spains terrorism, consult day: March 2 2012, consult URL:

Prensa latina, (13/12/04), consult day: March 2 2012, consult URL:

UN, (nd), un action to counter terrorism, consult day: march 2 2012, consult URL:

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