COLMUN Delegate's PP Eg. for All

Committee: UNICEF (United Nations Children´s Fund)
Country: Mexico
Topic B: Intercountry Adoption

Delegate: Ramón Cruz-Camarillo Rojas

1)    Background
In 1928 Mexico established on the chapter I of the civil code between article 290 to 320 that: if a person want to adopt a children, he must have more than 40 years and he mustn’t have sons.

In 1938 the protocol changed by giving as statutory age of 30 years old. Then in 1970 the government decided to put as statutory age 25 years old.

Intercountry adoption dated back in the years of the World War II when adoption between countries began to be more popular. People of countries that didn´t participate in the war (World War II) began to adopt orphans.

In 1998 the reform made a new protocol where they established the rules and procedures Mexicans and foreign have to do to adopt a children, and makes possible for children that have more than 12 years decide with what kind of people they want for be adopt.

It was until 80´s when Mexico began to work on Intercountry adoption.  Between 1985 and 1995 the National Council of Adoption estimates a number of 1,275 adoptions with United States.

2)    Mexico’s Policy and involvement

            For this kind of issues, in 1928 Mexican government an organization called:”La Gota de Leche”. In the 60´s Mexico create 2 institutions that were “INPI” and “IMAN” that with the past of the years this organization began to work together to create “DIF” that now is the organization that has as responsibilities the care of children.

            In Mexico to begin the paperwork of adoption of children people must have the next:
·      A letter where you established why you want to adopt children and give the characteristics of the children you want to adopt.
·      Birth certificate of the people who want to adopt the children
·      2 recommendation letters.
·      Identification cards
·      Proof of residency
·      Medical certificate

            This process of paperwork can late 3 months and with the process of adoption 2 or 4 years. This make people decide to decline the process of adoption. That’s why in Mexico only the 30% of the applicants can adopt a child.

3)    Proposals:

            As Mexico said in this document, with the pass of the years the adoption began to be difficult, for Mexicans and foreign because of the problem of use of children in the racketeering and drug cartels.

            Mexico has to make more efficient their process of adoption to increase the percentage of adoption score but also knowing that every child that is adopted will have a live with love and opportunities to be a better person.

            If Mexico didn’t work in the national adoption they can´t work on the Intercountry adoption. Mexico thing the more suitable think to this is the creation of a protocol where establishes the thing people have to do to adopt a children of other country.


Miranda, E. L. (2010, June 15). Adoption in Mexico: Situation. Retrieved February 27, 2012, from Adoption in Mexico: Situation:


Country: Mexico
Committee: United Nations Children´s Fund (UNICEF)
Topic A: Military use of children

Delegate: Ramón Cruz-Camarillo Rojas

1)     Background
            Military use of children dated back to the times of September the 13th of 1847 is commemorated as the celebration of the “children heroes’ day” which is known as the day that six teenagers between 13 and 18 died defending Chapultepec´s Castle of the US invading forces. 
            In 1990 in the CIDN, Mexico created a document where they established the rights and obligations of every teenager and kid.
            In 1991 Mexican government created the  law called “law for treatment of young’s” in which establishes that children under 14 years old that works with Racketeering will have to receive physiological and social help. And teenagers of 14 years old and more depending on his fault they can go to a penitentiary.
            In May of the year 2000 Security Council give the next definition: “A child soldier has been defined as any person under 18 years of age who forms part of an armed force in any capacity and those accompanying such groups, other than purely as family members, as well as girls recruited for sexual purposes and forced marriages”
            Since 2008 Mexican government order all states to make their own laws and protocols for children that are related with de Racketeering.
2)     Mexico´s policy and involvement
            Since 2005 the government of Mexico tries to reform the law of 1991 without results. Between the years of 2006 and 2011 Mexico begins to worry about the development of Childs in racketeering.
            Between 2006 and 2009 was presented an incredible increase of the 1850% because of the racketeering and drug cartels.
            Mexico decides to take actions. With campaigns and programs in all country, like Veracruz Seguro and Guerrero Seguro (established on 2011) that has at objectives the elimination of drug cartels and racketeering.
            In the last year Mexico because of this programs Mexico began to reduce the number of children that works with racketeering and drug cartels in a 30% and also the capture of dangerous people that produce this.
3)    Proposals
            Mexico proposes the next: to use the program and protocol of El Salvador and Angola to solve this problem.
            The program is call: Children Soldier Preventing, Demobilizing and Reintegrating, this program consists in 3 phases. This program have good results on Angola and Salvador y we believe we can function in other countries like: Mexico, Sri lank, Senegal, Afghanistan, Etc. but we also need help of the G5. 
            Preventing: that means, the creation of laws, the involvement of people and the study of vulnerable groups conducted in demobilization planning.
            Demobilization: give security to the vulnerable groups, the advocacy of children of racketeering and drug cartels, a campaign to give information to population about the problem and search of children that work to the racketeering and drug cartels. 
            Reintegration: the family reunification of affected children, and if is necessary the look of a new family, Also the Psychosocial, traditional healing and education and economical opportunities.


Anonim. (2007, March 21). derechosinfancia. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from derechosinfancia:
Verhey, B. (2001, November 14). WORDBLANK. Retrieved february 20, 2012, from WORDBLANK:

 For all PAZMUN Delegate's Remember that your's Needs 5 subtitles. 

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