Chair: José Alejandro García Hernández
Chair: José Alejandro García Hernández
· Moderator: Mauricio Francisco Vega Osnaya
· Conference Officer: José Javier Barreiro Álvarez
Counter Terrorism´s Chair
Counter Terrorism´s Moderator
Dear Delegates,
As you know, during this model you will be part of the
Counter Terrorism Committee and my main purpose is to make you feel comfortable
working with me and with the rest of the members of this committee (tables and
delegates). I hope you can give me the best of you, your best effort and your
best work for us to accomplish all our goals and finish with a very successful
model. I think the best way to have a good relation between us is to look at me
as a simple guide, not as a “great” or “strong” authority, just as a simple
friend who will show you and help you with all kind of trouble you can present
during the preparation of this model. And this way, I`ll behave as your guide. Is
evident and obviously that I can and must pressure you or even scold you
whenever you needed. As you have heard from many teachers, I say: I can behave
with you as well as you behave and work with me, I mean, if I don´t look or find
any effort on your part, don´t expect me to behave well with you. This is the
reason of why my expectations of this model are to do a nice and very
successful work together.
Good Luck Delegates! You will need it.
Sincerely, Your Counter Terrorism President,
Luis (Luigi).
Counter Terrorism´s Chair
Name: José Alejandro
Last Name: García Hernández
Favorite Subject: Chemistry
Committee: Counter Terrorism
Position: Chair
Hobbies: Basketball and Guitar
Something I think others haven´t done: Dance and
scream like a freak
Counter Terrorism´s Moderator
Name: Mauricio Francisco
Last Name: Vega Osnaya
Favorite Subject: Math
Committee: Counter Terrorism
Position: Moderator
Hobbies: Playing videogames and surfing in the Internet
Something I think others haven´t done: Burn things
like a pyromaniac 
Counter Terrorism Conference Officer
Name: José Javier
Last Name: Barreiro Álvarez
Favorite Subject: History
Committee: Counter Terrorism
Position: Conference Officer
Hobbies: Videogames, Movies, Internet
Something I think others haven´t done:
Say stupid things all the time
• a.
The possibility of Mexican drugs cartel helping terrorism overseas.
Counter Terrorism Blurb
Terrorism Committee
Guided by Security Council
resolutions 1373 and 1624, the Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) works to step
up the ability of United Nations Member States to prevent terrorist acts both within
their borders and across regions. It was established in the wake of the 11
September terrorist attacks in the United States.
The CTC is assisted by the
Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), which carries out the
policy decisions of the Committee, implements expert assessments of each Member
State and facilitates counter-terrorism technical assistance to countries.
Resolution 1373, adopted unanimously
on 28 September 2001, calls upon Member States to implement a number of
measures to improve their legal and institutional ability to counter terrorist activities,
including steps to:
Criminalize the financing of
Freeze without delay any funds
related to persons involved in acts of terrorism
Deny all forms of financial support
for terrorist groups
Suppress the provision of safe
refuge, sustenance or support for terrorists
Share information with other
governments on any groups practicing or planning terrorist acts
Cooperate with other governments in
the investigation, detection, arrest, extradition and prosecution of those
involved in such acts; and
Criminalize active and passive
assistance for terrorism in domestic law and bring violators to justice.
The resolution also calls on States
to become parties, as soon as possible, to the relevant international
counter-terrorism legal instruments.
Resolution 1624 refers to incitement
to commit acts of terrorism, calling on UN Member States to prohibit it by law,
prevent such conduct and denies safe refuge to anyone "with respect to
whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for
considering that they have been guilty of such conduct."
The work of the CTC and CTED
- Country visits - at their request, to monitor progress, as well as to evaluate the nature and level of technical assistance a given country may need in order to implement resolution 1373;
- Technical assistance - to help connect countries to available technical, financial, regulatory and legislative assistance programs, as well as to potential donors;
- Country reports – to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the counter-terrorism situation in each country and serve as a tool for dialogue between the Committee and Member States;
- Best practices – to encourage countries to apply known best practices, codes and standards, taking into account their own circumstances and needs; and
- Special meetings – to develop closer ties with relevant international, regional and sub regional organizations, and to help avoid duplication of effort and waste of resources through better coordination.
A: The possibility of Mexican drugs cartel-helping terrorism overseas
This topic mainly talks about the
different drug cartels in Mexico that help the terrorism overseas, that means
that the entire drug is send to different countries.
USA and many other countries are
worried about the terrorism created by the drug cartels, and also they are
worried about them to become more powerful and dangerous. This problem concern
all the nations involved in the drug dealing problem and it needs to be
Basically the problem is that the Mexican drugs cartel
just like the zetas are getting a lot of power and a lot of recourses, like
territory, money and people so the USA people is worried about that the
terrorist can make an alliance and join with terrorist groups like Al Qaeda so
they can become even more dangerous, and then Al Qaeda can take advantage of
the Mexican cartels recourses and the Mexican cartels can take advantage of the
terrorist groups recourses.
Actually there were not any probes of this but in
October 11th 2011 US officials say the two agents contacted the drug
trafficker in northern Mexico, offering $1.5 million for the assassination. But
that trafficker turned out to be an informant for the Drug Enforcement Agency,
foiling a plot that FBI director Robert Mueller said today could have cost many
lives. One of the agents reportedly met twice with the trafficker during the
summer in the violence-ridden northern city of Reynosa. The accused plotter was
unaware that he was actually dealing with an informant. Little information is
known about the informant. ABC News reports that he was a member, or posing as
a member, of the Zetas cartel.
Some actual facts about the topic:
- In October 27th 2011 Hillary Clinton the
secretary of state said that the activities of drug cartels operating in Mexico
are similar to those of terrorist groups.
- Clinton, in charge of U.S. foreign policy,
participated in a hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House
of Representatives. It was expected that the focus of the meeting were the
situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but the officer also answered questions
from lawmakers on other issues.
"I expressed my concern about that in the past
and we are sensitive to the characteristics that these drug cartels have taken,
which certainly resemble terrorist activities," said Clinton, as quoted by
- Not the first time U.S. officials warn that Mexican
drug traffickers adopt new tactics. In October last year, Roberta S. Jacobson,
Secretary of State, said the cartel operations have a new goal to scare the
public and pressure the government.
- In December 2006, after he
became President Felipe Calderon, Mexico's government began a drive against
organized crime with operations in several states. Authorities say the strategy
has yielded results, but critics believe that violence has increased.
USA is directly involved with this
conflict because it is one of the main targets of these drug cartels also named
“new terrorist”.
Is more than obviously that Mexico is
the main country on this topic; this conflict is developing mainly in this
country. Mexico has the biggest drug cartels in the world.
Topic B: Drug dealing in
Mexico as a risk for international security
The main porpoise of this topic is to
discuss about the huge problem where Mexico is involved, the drug dealing, but
not only from the interior problems, otherwise from the international point of
view, the risk that the drug dealing can cause in the international security,
the problems that it can provoke around the globe.
1, November, Texas, there was a shooting between the Texas police and, members of the gang “los Zetas” the final prove that the violence in Mexico and the Cartels are now reaching part of the U.S.A.
In 2006, Felipe Calderon Became the actual president of Mexico, he declared war to all the cartels in Mexico, the innocent or guilty people that have die in this war are over 40,000, and the kill count is rising, violence has increased and it began to be ruthless and public, killing many people in gun fights between police and drug cartels, the U.S.A. government began to concern about the situation when the violence started to be public in cities so close to the frontier, like Ciudad Juarez.
The problem was so big, that Michael McCaul a republican congressman said that the cartels should be know and treated like terrorists, this because the increasing violence in Mexico, this in October 5 of 2011, then in October 27 of the same year, Hilary Clinton said that the activities of the Mexican cartels were the same activities the terrorist do, and in November terrorists from Iran asked help from Mexican cartels to assassinate the ambassador from Saudi Arabia in the United States.
1, November, Texas, there was a shooting between the Texas police and, members of the gang “los Zetas” the final prove that the violence in Mexico and the Cartels are now reaching part of the U.S.A.
In 2006, Felipe Calderon Became the actual president of Mexico, he declared war to all the cartels in Mexico, the innocent or guilty people that have die in this war are over 40,000, and the kill count is rising, violence has increased and it began to be ruthless and public, killing many people in gun fights between police and drug cartels, the U.S.A. government began to concern about the situation when the violence started to be public in cities so close to the frontier, like Ciudad Juarez.
The problem was so big, that Michael McCaul a republican congressman said that the cartels should be know and treated like terrorists, this because the increasing violence in Mexico, this in October 5 of 2011, then in October 27 of the same year, Hilary Clinton said that the activities of the Mexican cartels were the same activities the terrorist do, and in November terrorists from Iran asked help from Mexican cartels to assassinate the ambassador from Saudi Arabia in the United States.
USA is directly involved with this
conflict because it is one of the main targets of these drug cartels also named
“new terrorist”. Due to its great drug consume.
Is more than obviously that Mexico is
the main country on this topic; this conflict is developing mainly in this
country. Mexico has the biggest drug cartels in the world and subsequently, is
one of the major drug´s exporters.
Counter Terrorism Committee. Our
Mandate. February 29, 2012. http://www.un.org/en/sc/ctc/index.html.
Sixty-first General Assembly Third
Committee, (2006 October 5). SPEAKERS
Assistance to Bolster Capacity To Combat Cross-Border Criminal Activity, with
UNODC Playing Central Role. February 28, 2012. http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2006/gashc3849.doc.htm
Martín Hopenhayn. Desintegración social y políticas públicas en América Latina. February
28, 2012. http://www.eclac.cl/publicaciones/xml/1/5031/DROGAS.html
CNN Mexico,
(2011 October 27). Clinton equipara la actividad de los cárteles de México con
el terrorismo. February 28, 2012. http://mexico.cnn.com/mundo/2011/10/27/clinton-equipara-la-actividad-de-los-carteles-de-mexico-con-el-terrorismo.
(2011-11-01). Narcos mexicanos arman
balacera... en Texas. February 28, 2012. http://www.excelsior.com.mx/index.php?m=nota&id_nota=778820.
Silvia Otero,
(2011 December 2). Insiste EU en vínculos entre terroristas y cárteles mexicanos. February
28, 2012. http://mx.noticias.yahoo.com/insiste-eu-v%C3%ADnculos-terroristas-c%C3%A1rteles-mexicanos-060559056.html.
EFE Agence, (2011 March 31). Piden clasificar a
seis carteles mexicanos como terroristas. February 28, 2012. http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/elmundo/articulo-260199-piden-clasificar-seis-carteles-mexicanos-terroristas
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